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This one is funny and not so funny at all. Fibro-fog is what many people with fibromyalgia are very familiar with. We all have that embarrassing moment that everything just go blank; you just can’t remember what you were about to say… except that people with Fibromyalgia have those moments a lot.

You know how you just go blank mid-sentence; you just can’t remember what you are going to say. Or going into the kitchen and oh dear! Can’t remember why!

I know! As if the struggle is not real enough, you want to be a writer, what? You? With fibro-fog? Crazy thoughts.

It is very hard; I tell you that much. But totally do-able.

Anybody who has ever tried to write, work, or complete any project when they are extremely tired will have an idea of what I am talking about. Ability to focus will be nearly impossible, most of the words written won’t make sense. The mental function will be extremely slow. Yes, that is the life of people with fibromyalgia.

Sometimes I look at some of my first draft on a topic, and goes what was I talking about? I simply can’t remember. I have some 1st and 2nd drafts on the same topic that look nothing alike.

Don’t get me started on the typos. I would read an article I wrote for final edit, and there will meet so many missing words that makes me wondered- won’t a career change be advisable?

I can’t stop writing though, I love it. I find it therapeutic. I use it to empty my thoughts and sort them out. It is my happy place. So if you are like me and you want to share your writing work with the public you have to take steps to make sure it makes sense to the readers,

This is why I stayed away from making videos. It will be a nightmare for me. My memory won’t go for it. So I stayed with writing to express myself. I can always edit and only published when I am satisfy.

My trick to writing with my Fibro-fog is simple. I followed these steps and most of the times they work. They are not that different from what most writers use, just that it makes life more easier when writing with Fibromyalgia.

My Steps To Effective Writing With Fibromyalgia.

  1. Once I get a topic I am interested in. I immediately write what tickles my fancy about it. Sometimes that is all that is needed and I just publish. Sometimes more work is needed.
  2. Then I make a list of things I want to say about it. Quick! before Fibro-fog sets in.
  3. Do research for any part that needs research.
  4. Then I write my first draft. The most enjoyable part for me.
  5. I leave it for a couple of days then start second draft- I will fine tune my grammar, sentences (as much as I can). I can’t wait to have money and have somebody do this for me.
  6. I move to 3rd draft, I add pictures, and images. Create memes if necessary. Really time consuming. Same, I will love to get someone do these for me. Truth be told, I love creating the memes, just take too much time.
  7. I do the hyperlinks then. Really important if you are writing for online. You can promote your other works this way. Another job to be contracted out once money start flowing.
  8. Time for final edit, check for typos, spelling mistakes, and things like that. What do you think, do I enjoy doing this? NO!!!!!!
  9. Now your article is ready. The whole process could take a couple of days or it could take weeks. I have work that I have completely abandon as I have no recollection of where I was going with it.
  10. Remember writing is only 20% of the job, the remaining 80% is for promoting the article, make sure it is seeing by relevant people. There are people who are masters at this, would love to let them handle it.

Are you one of those people who are not sure what Fibromyalgia is? Relax, I explained it simply here. Please click here to read it. Thanks.

So you see, with a little bit of preparation you can write too. It may not be a masterpiece, but it is you having your say in your own corner. Fibro-fog or not!

Stay with me,


About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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