serious young lady touching face while looking at mirror in bathroom

Your first step to clearing or avoiding acne may be determining what kind of acne you have. It may just be one little thing that is triggering your breakouts. Do your research thoroughly. Be aware!

For someone with dry-skin, I don’t joke with the winter months. Generally, I am always careful with my daily skincare routine, but in the cold harsh months of winter, I always take extra care. That is the cross most of us with skin on the dry side have to bear. Oily-skin is not left out, those with it may not suffer from excessive dryness but daily moisturising is still very essential.

Your choice of natural oil to add to your daily routine should be based on your skin type and the skin concerns you have. For example if you have sensitive skin and wants natural oils that can help clear and delay mouth wrinkles, forehead wrinkles, eye wrinkles, sagging skin, and other ageing signs. You should be looking for Jojoba oil, Rosehip oil, Vitamin E oil, and so forth.

Feel free to play around with the ingredients; it’s one of the beauties of homemade products. Substitute the ingredients with others, increase or decrease the quantities. Add essential oils if you prefer, be cautious though, especially if you have sensitive skin. Add carrier oils if you wish, especially if the skin of your face is dry. Have fun!