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Listen, without beating around the bush, I will like you, Dog-Owners, to know that there are people like me out there who are seriously scared of Dogs.


I know this is incomprehensible to most of you, some Dog-Owners even find it upsetting that someone or some people can’t be near their precious dogs. I am afraid it is so, and I am one of those people who have this irrational fear of dogs.

My fear of dogs goes beyond what is Healthy.

I have met many lovely people who are Dog-Owners and absolutely understands my fears and anxiety about dogs. While I have met some really nasty Dog-Owners who start screaming at me because I asked them to please call their dogs to order.

My fear of Dogs does not care whether the dog is as tiny as a rat, or as humongous as a Tiger. I lied, the huge ones are really terrifying.


I really wish I don’t have this fear, but unfortunately, I do. It is embarrassing, really. I have some really undignifying episodes involving dogs that got me wondering if maybe in my previous life (if there was a previous life) I must have been attacked by a dog, or dogs.

I have no recollection of any childhood drama involving dogs, so no explanation for my fear.


I have tried, really tried to control my anxiety and fear when I see a dog coming, but so far I have been unsuccessful. Dogs on leash are easier, I just take extra care to stay out of the way. But those not on leash are my nightmare.

I start breathing really hard once I see them coming. Sometimes, if possible, I just turn around and start walking in a different direction.

Sometimes I feel the poor things feel injured when I rebuffed their approach to be friendly, but I really don’t know why I can’t just stop the fear.

So many times I have had to change my daily exercise/walking route because of dogs. At a time I even abandon walking altogether because of dogs.

Some kind Dog-Owners will take the trouble to explain to me that their dog is simply being friendly and won’t bite. I really appreciate people like that. My reply is that I know, and it doesn’t matter anyway to my fear and panic attack.

I remembered one cold winter day when this young pup ran out of a house and came straight towards me. It refused to hear the call of its owner. In my panic and attempt to avoid it I slipped on the icy winter ground and fell. The owner ran over and took the dog. As I got up, this young pup must have found me fascinating because it jumped out of the owner’s hands, who was sympathising with me, and came to me again. I panicked and fell again. I sprained my ankle. But that wasn’t the sad part. The sad part was the embarrassment I felt because some kids were watching. I was mortified.

I tried to laugh it off, but it really didn’t work.

That was a lovely Dog-Owner, She even helped massage my ankle after locking the dog indoors.

I can’t say the same for these to Dog-Owners walking two dogs. These dogs ran to me and started sniffing around my feet. I called these ladies to please call their dogs. They completely ignored me. One of them even looked at me as if I was a silly little child. I was in terror, I started screaming. I think it was my screams that got the dogs away.

How hard can it be to understand that not everybody is the same as you? If I were a child now you might think I am just acting up. But a full grown woman asking you to call your dog should tell you something is wrong.

I am sure Dog-Owners like that won’t be happy if their dog’s antics should cause someone to start having a seizure, or panic attack just because they think its silly that the person is afraid of a dog, maybe I am wrong, maybe that will make their day.


One nasty individual screamed at me ‘ Get a grip, will ya. It’s only a dog’. Yes to you- only a dog, but to me- Way more than that.

This is not hatred. It is pure FEAR. Irrational, yes! I could simply ignore the dogs if it were simply hatred I have for dogs.

Some even say they don’t trust anyone who doesn’t like dogs. Well, I won’t pretend I like dogs, but I will never agree that I hate them, because I don’t think I do. I am not a psychopath just because I fear dogs. I have absolute respect for lives, and I do everything in my power to protect lives, animals included.

Please, Please, Please, Dog-owners beware, your precious animals can be someone’s nightmare not from hate but simply fear.

So when someone asks you to call your Dogs please do so, and don’t shout at the person as if he or she is a freak, silly, or juvenile.

I am sure you have your own fears too,  no matter how tough you think you are.

Thanks for reading.

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Stay with me,


About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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