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Unfortunately, pimples or some other breakouts can suddenly appear on your face at the wrongest time. Most of us know this and know how frustrating it can be.

Photo by Dazzle Jam on Pexels.com

Though pimples are more common with those with oily skin, those of us with dry skin do get it sometimes too. My pimples breakouts may not be as bad as those with oily skin but I do get occasional zits.

I get these breakouts once in a while, sometimes around my menstrual period. Sometimes they just appear for the fun of it. Whatever the reason they have for coming one thing is certain they are caused by bacteria and keeping my skin clean and clear is very important in fighting them off.

My experience with Pimples is that they can be quite painful. And they come in different sizes. Some are small and barely noticeable, while some can be quite big and angry-looking.

Most of us start picking at these pimples, worrying about them, and start applying everything recommended to us by everybody to clear them out.

All these habits are bad and lead to more skin problems. Instead, try these simple habits to keep pimples at bay.

Simple Habits For Reducing Appearance Of Pimples

Try your possible best not to poke, squeeze, or pop the pimples unless it is very ripe and ready to burst. It is hard I know, but your self-control will pay off as this will reduce your chances of developing scars on your face. Popping it is how we make pimples worse, this increases the risk of further infection. So the kindest thing you can do is to keep your hands away from them and do not poke. I know it’s hard, believe me I know.

I try not to wash my face too often as this will increase oil production which in turn make the situation worse. The solution I always go for is using a natural face mask made with plant-based ingredients. This will help remove excess oil without drying my skin out.

To reduce the pain I press ice blocks to the affected area. This can also help make it less conspicuous on your face.

Drinking plenty of water is always a plus for the skin. This will flush out the bacteria causing these pimples on the skin.

If I were you I will avoid any skincare products with fragrance, even essential oils. They can be the cause of your pimples and using more will increase the problem.

I won’t exfoliate around this time with body scrubs at this point. Some scrubs are too abrasive for irritated skin. instead, face masks will be more appropriate.

Be careful of just applying Just about anything to your face when it is in this state. You might do more harm than good. and end up with permanent scars. A little research before applying anything will do you lots of good.

Add These Pimples Treating Natural Ingredients To Your Face Masks.

If you are looking for natural ways of clearing pimples check out these ingredients:

CAMWOOD POWDER– Make a face mask with Camwood Powder as the main ingredient. Camwood Powder is a natural antibacterial. This plant-based ingredient from Camwood Tree in Africa will keep your pores deeply clean to heal your breakouts and prevents more breakouts. Camwood Powder is also great in reducing pigmentation, fading acne scars.

HONEY– I can’t make a face mask without adding natural honey. Honey is soothing and moisturizing, two important factors for me in any ingredients. Honey is also antiseptic, so your pimples will heal without leaving scars.

ALOE VERA– Those of us with dry skin dealing with pimples and any other breakouts should consider adding Aloe Vera to our face masks. Doing this will not only heal and clear your skin but will hydrate and soothe. The appearance of those pimples will diminish greatly.

SULFUR– Using Sulfur in your face mask is another great way to treat pimples. Sulfur will unclog pores. The presence of sulfur will dry up pimples and kill other bacteria quickly.

ACTIVATED CHARCOAL– Adding Activated Charcoal to your face mask will help draw out dirt and oil blocking your pores. Charcoal has the ability to shrink pores. It will purify and decongest your skin thereby preventing more breakouts.

BENTONITE CLAY– This is an ultra-absorbent clay is volcanic ash deposited in seawater. It is used for controlling excess sebum, to kill and prevent bacteria. Add it to your face mask for clean clear skin.

APPLE CIDER- Mix Camwood Powder and Raw Apple Cider into your face mask or simply use these two as your face mask if you have oily-skin. This will clear congested skin and remove excess oil. The result will be clear pores, dried-up pimples, and flawless skin.

TEA TREE OIL– This is a natural alternative to benzoyl peroxide for treating pimples. This essential oil can kill bacteria with its strong antibacterial properties. Be careful to use Tea Tree Oil directly on the spots if using on its own. But it is perfectly safe to add to your face masks.

Most of the popular products like Benzoyl Peroxide, Beta Hydroxy Acid, Salicylic Acid, used for treating pimples and other breakouts are quite drying, harsh, especially for those with sensitive skin. And may not speed up the healing like the natural alternatives. They do more harm than good.

I don’t particularly like them because most of these ingredients we use will eventually end up in our bloodstream and can impact our health negatively.

Making natural alternatives in skincare choices is kind to not just our bodies but also to our planet. Most of these harsh chemicals are dangerous to our environment.

Check my homemade recipe page for face masks ideas.

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About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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