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I do not wish to alarm anybody, but is it possible that one of the most important things you really want to do in your lifetime is not being done because of the people you surround yourself with?

It’s just a thought. Have a think about it before you continue reading, please.

What is holding you back? Be honest. You have a dream, you want to make it a reality, why are you not doing anything about it? What is blocking you from taking steps towards this goal? WHAT?

I am sure if we are sitting across from each other now and I ask you these questions directly, you will have lots of reasons to give me. I am not saying all these reasons are invalid, but look closely, really closely, who are those in your circle?

I am not asking you to look down on anybody. We all have different dreams and goals in life, so please discard the thought that someone is beneath you just because their life goals are different. Instead what I am trying to point out to you is if there is no one in your circle with a similar Life goal to yours, that could be where your problem lies.

Even the most successful people on this planet doubt themselves once in a while, it is human. When you have the right people around you, they will motivate you either by their actions or by their stories.

Don’t also forget that negative comments, intentional or unintentional, are damaging. If you are surrounded by people who don’t get what you are looking to achieve in life, their innocent comments, actions, behaviour could discourage you from going after what you want. Don’t underestimate the power of your tribe.

Many people abandoned their ideas, and goals because of negative comments. Some even questioned themselves that they are aiming too high just because of those who they hung- out with. We have all been there at one point or another in our lives.

How lovely will it be if those closest to you understand what you are trying to achieve? Marvelous. A really beautiful feeling. You don’t want to stop and explain what you are trying to do to everyone you meet, but when those who are going to be with you every day get it, you are blessed.

To be with the right group of people helps a lot, take it from me. I am mostly a loner, I work better alone. But I valued the amazing women who I have learned a lot and still learning. These women have walked the path I wanted to start on. Having them in my network helped a lot.

When you have good people in your tribe they will support you, hold you up, advise you, guide you, and be eager to help. They will know where the best resources are. In short, they make your journey smoother.

One word of caution. Don’t be a user, don’t be one of those people who take, take, take and never give back. Don’t have a sense of entitlement that makes you think that your friends are there just to help you. Help too. I have met so many people like this. Selfishness is off-putting. You will only end up pushing good people away.

So, that goal or idea that has been niggling at you for ages, it’s time to do something about it. Look into your friends, time to shake things up. We are not getting younger.

Relationships that are causing you nothing but headaches are to be allowed to die a natural death and replaced with a more useful one. Harsh but true! Sorry.

Right, I have had my say now. It’s your turn to have yours. Please let me hear you in the comment section below. God bless.

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Stay with me,


Stay with me,


About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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