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WAIT! Before you answer, can you please check in with your emotions.

I am not just asking this as a form of greetings or to be pleasant. I really mean it. Are you doing okay? Please, check-in with yourself and answer truthfully.

I am so happy for you if your answer is yes after checking in with yourself. Now if you checked and you feel you are not doing okay, physically or emotionally I feel you, I really do.

Please, I want you to know you are not alone. This affects many people all over the world.

It is very easy to give standard answers to a question like this. But, we all know that life does get complicated sometimes. Sometimes we start having negative emotions such as fear, hopelessness, frustration and anxiety about ourself, our future and our life. It may not be our faults, these things happen and we must get on with living as best as we can.

But developing an ability to spot these dark moods and negative thoughts is a great step towards healing. You noticed them quicker and take steps to deal with them before they become major problems.

If you are feeling low for a considerable long period the advice is to go see your doctor. Those of us who have gone through this system for a long period will tell you that answers aren’t always available there too. You can spend a lot of time moving from one services to another and getting nowhere. This alone can add more to your distress.

Over the years I have come to realise that the best thing you can do to help yourself in almost all situations is to take control. Listen to the professionals and weigh everything said to you by them, but make sure to make decisions about your health with a good grasp of what is going on with you.

Many people who tell others to seek help do not realise how easy it is to fall through the system. Sometimes you meet with a professional with a terrible bedside manner. I have had a doctor laughed at me, yes and she did. So please, things are not always as it seems.

I have had doctors who will keep giving me antidepressant no matter what I say. I actually believe that some of them don’t even listen to me at all. I spent years going around like a zombie.

This is one of the reason I always advocate for people to join support groups. Listen to people who are going through the same things as you. Learn from each other.

Whether you are suffering from mental health problems or just a temporary bout of low mood if you want to make yourself feel better try doing these 3 things daily:

Something you enjoy

Not an easy task, I admit, especially when one is in low mood. The last things on your mind will be pleasurable things. But if you can drag yourself to do it the reward is immense.

Music is my thing in times like this. Old Yoruba music is what I love listening and singing to. They are very philosophical and uplifting. You have to find yourself something like that. I love reading, but I hardly do it when my mood is low because it encourages my moroseness.

I think once you know your mood-enhancing activities and do them in dark times like this you will be fine.

With physical health it may be possible to wait until you feel better before you start doing things you enjoy. Opposite is the case with mental health and any emotional distress, you have to do things you enjoy to bring about improved mental health.

Something that gives sense of achievement

Another great thing you can do to help uplift your spirit is carry out activities that gives you sense of accomplishment. It is like magic. It could be as simple as making a to do list and working your way through it.

I set myself a target of writing a thousand words of creative writing daily in this coronavirus lockdown. I don’t always meet it. But I am very happy at the progress I am making.

Not only does this help my mental health but gives me something to look forward to and aim for. Being home all day, especially in this covid 19 period is very delicate on mental health if you don’t set some goals for yourself.

Even if it just to go out for a walk for 30 minutes daily, just do it. Being outside in fresh air is a benefit on its own.

Something you have been putting off

We all have that one or activities we have been putting off for ages, saying we will do it but never do. Now, when you are feeling low, is the time to get them done and kill 2 birds with one stone.

Is it that room that needs repainting, the attic that needs clearing out, the garden shed filled with whatnots, your wardrobe that needs rearranging? Haaaaa, you know what I mean!

Get doing, pick one and do it. It is guaranteed to help lift your mood.

Keeping and maintaining a routine is very important. I really find them useful. Some of the things in my routine will look ridiculous to some people, but these things help to ground me and break the circle of negative thoughts.

Try these activities daily and improve positive emotions like satisfaction, calm, cheerfulness, happiness, and pride.

Thanks a lot for reading. Please, your contributions to this post will be appreciated in the comment section below. Help by clicking like and share with your friends. Also, don’t forget to join other subscribers to receive notifications of new posts by email. I appreciate it.

Stay with me,


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About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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