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If you are an introvert you will know that networking as referred to by business gurus and those who know a lot about business growth is a great ordeal. If you are an extrovert, you probably won’t understand what a big deal this is. Networking is a big deal for introverts in business.

Having an online business worked for me because I am an introvert. I know that maybe I would have even made more progress if I do more networking than I do presently. Bear in mind that I barely do any networking for my business at all.

Social media is my saviour. I used it to my advantage in promoting my products and work. I have long abandoned the idea that I have to drag myself out there and act the part to network effectively. It just wasn’t for me.

So how do introverts, working for themselves, make connections with other people? My answer is I don’t know.

But I will tell you what I do. I connect with people not just for networking for business, but real genuine connections. I do the same in my personal life too, so it comes easy to me. I don’t do this to gain something from someone. I do it when I am interested in that person.

These connections are very few. But they are with like-minded people. People with similar ambition. People that I admire a lot. People that really stand out with qualities that really inspire me. I make the efforts to make acquaintance with them. I strive for quality over quantity.

These people may not necessarily buy from me, but I learned a lot from them. They sometimes introduce people who buy from me. They contact me if they spot an opportunity that they think might benefit me. I do the same for them. I have made some lasting connections that people will find hard to believe that we met online.

I don’t believe in the old way of attending several networking events and having small talks with strangers. It is my idea of hell. I attended a couple of these networking events and gained nothing. Remember, I am an introvert, others may have gained a lot. I considered them a total waste of time.

I am more at ease meeting with someone I already have an idea of whom they are and what is important to them. We can connect better. I have to say though, that not all time do this works. Sometimes I meet with some people and we just don’t gel. Or sometimes I try to make a connection with someone who isn’t interested.

This is part of life. I am choosing who I relate with, common sense dictates that others will do the same. And if I don’t make the cut with them no need to take it to heart, after all some people choose to connect with me that didn’t make the cut with me. What goes round comes round.

How do people even have the energy to attend every networking events that come their way? After all other business activities that a small business owner has to perform on a daily basis. I always wondered. That is why I wrote the article- Are you in business to network or networking for your business?

I think every entrepreneur, introverts or extroverts, need to answer this question. It will help determine the amount of time dedicated to networking.

Many Entrepreneurs are neglecting the main goal of their businesses in favour of networking, I may be wrong, though I doubt it very much, that the failure of some business lies here; misplaced priority.

I stopped attending these events and concentrated my energy on making connections on my terms. How many people even remember the people they meet at these events after a few days? Some will see business cards in their possession and can’t even remember who gave them the card. It is a mystery to me. The people who gained from this are the organisers in my opinion.

Please, feel free to correct me in the comment section below that apart from the odd occasions, is it really possible to make any connection of substance at these networking events? Unless you are there with friends who introduced you to their friends, the rest is mindless chit chat.

If you are an introvert and reluctant to start your own business because you don’t like networking, relax first and think of ways around it before you give up the idea. Being self- employed should give us some joys too, at least ability to discard some things we don’t enjoy doing and replaced with something that make sense to us. You might be a pioneer of new way of thinking about something.

Thanks a lot for reading. Please, your contributions to this post will be appreciated in the comment section below. Help by clicking like and share with your friends. Also, don’t forget to join other subscribers to receive notifications of new posts by email. I appreciate it.

Stay with me,


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About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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7 thoughts on “How Do Introverts In Business Network?

  1. Great points and I agree totally about your comment on attending business networking meetings. I don’t even call them networking, the networking has to happen outside of the meetings as you describe.

    1. Hi Jon,
      Thanks for contributing. I am so glad you agree with me, I sometimes wonder whether I am just too much of an introvert to see the point of some of these business networking events.

      1. A view I can totally understand Ruka. I suspect that many extroverts say the same though!
        How has lockdown/ the cancelling of events changed things for you?

        1. Hi Jon,
          Thanks a lot. I appreciate you stopping by.
          Not really, my business actually got a huge boost in the first months of lockdown but things are back to normal now. How about you? Hope it’s all going well for you.

          1. Yes, it’s certainly been an strange time. I’ve been doing well thanks, some bits not as well as I’d like but overall is good.
            Interesting how you had a huge boost early on, which then normalised, what do you put that down to?

          2. Hi Jon,
            The surge in sales then, I think is due to many people having more time on their hands and wants to give homemade skincare products a try. I am so glad you are doing well. Do have a great weekend.

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