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I am back again talking about the importance of doing you. Be you. Do exactly what your soul wants. Trust yourself. Ignore what others may say or think about you. Trust me the well-being of your mental health depends on it.

I am so annoyed that some people still feel justified in personally attacking how a person choose to dress without realizing that this is a form of bullying.

Be yourself

I am even more annoyed when these type of self righteous judgments come from women. I don’t care from what belief system you are coming from. Stop attacking others on the way they choose to dress. How another person dresses should be of less concern of yours if you are truly living your life.

I wonder if a lot of us know that you can preach your values without attacking anyone or a particular person. Preach what you want and let those who find it useful take what they like from it.

It is a step too far when you walk up to people and complain about their mode of dressing. Telling the person to cover up. I don’t care whether the person is your friend, family member, or acquaintance. Stay out of people’s lives. Concentrate on yours.

Some people are so bold that they will see a girl with her parents and ask the girl why she is not having a scarf on her head. For your information, in case you are in the habit of doing this, this is rude. You have just questioned the parenting skill of the the parent. STOP!

We, women, face enough judgment from society as it is. Others controlling the way we dress is bad for confidence and mental health. Not many people are built with strong mind to keep taking criticism without being affected. We don’t need this.

The thing is most of these clueless people have a picture in their minds of what and how an ideal woman should dress, so no matter how modest your dressing is it will never be enough until you fit that picture in their heads. Silliness!


This is a concept that is strange for many to grasp. The mental slavery that they have put themselves in will not let them understand that our personality dictates our appearance.

I don’t like being dictated to. Because I am a woman does not mean that I have to become invisible to proof my worth. I was created by God and given a mind to use. That don’t make me less religious or cultural than the next woman.

Society and its restrictions is a big barrier for women. Some women can’t even dress the way they really want because they may not get a husband to marry them. Is this fair? They are scared shitless. It’s stifling.

I make the decision On what I considered to be modest to wear. Nobody need to do that for me. I don’t need any lecture from anybody on this. Whoever make any attempt to do so will meet a very nasty side of me. I don’t go to people telling them what to wear and whatnot. If I have something to say, I say it to the general public.

I believe we should all, especially people of certain age, wear whatever we want. Wrap yourself up from head to toe if you want. Dress skimpily if that is what you fancy. Your life, live it.

Teenage girls are killing themselves everyday because of being bullied. And here we are also bullying others on the way they choose to dress, and we think it is okay?

Let’s express ourselves the way we feel comfortable without any guilt. It is good for our mental health, happiness, confidence, and general state of mind.

But when someone feel they have moral high ground and start dishing out unsolicited advice, take care not to come near me. You won’t like what you will receive.

Let’s stop censoring each other, especially on what we wear, and accept we are all different in our own ways.

Choosing what I wear is important to me. I am not fashionable, but I like to look simple but neat. My style is a big part of my identity. I love colours. I love comfort. I dress to lift my spirit.

I don’t care what people may say or think. I dress for me. You can doubt my religious beliefs, up to you. This is my choice. And my salvation is between me and my creator. Dressing is a form of self-expression. I am not allowing anybody to dictate how I express myself.

Thanks a lot for reading. Please, your contributions to this post will be appreciated in the comment section below. Help by clicking like, and share with your friends. Also, don’t forget to join other subscribers to receive notifications of new posts by email. I appreciate it.

Stay with me,


Stay with me,


About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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