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I am going to give you an insight into those little pep talks I give myself constantly to get me up and carry out activities that will help me achieve my lifelong goals.

It is important to know that no matter how upbeat you are you won’t always be motivated every day. It is not laziness, it is life.

There are days I just don’t want to get out of bed, and I need a lot of self-motivation to get me up, sometimes it worked, sometimes it doesn’t. But it is important to have these motivators ready at hand to prep you up.

How I Motivate Myself To Achieve My Goals

1- Take Baby Steps

This applies to all aspects of my life. If any challenges come up I tell myself to take it easy, take baby steps in my approach. I need to chant this constantly to myself because I am very impulsive by nature.

Looking at the whole picture might be daunting, but when broken into tiny steps things look easier, and I use that to push myself to carry out the task. For example, I try to do yoga daily, sometimes the thought of getting up to do it seems impossible, in such situations, I tell myself to just do 2 poses( asanas) instead of the 10 poses that I normally do daily. Most of the time that this strategy worked and I will get up I will end up doing the whole 10 poses, and feel really good.

You can do this too in every aspect of your life. If you are looking to start a business don’t wait till you have a lot of money or know all the things needed, start small and grow to your desired stage. Waiting till everything is perfect before making your move may end up in you never achieving your goals. Those small steps will add up before you know it.

2- Keep learning

I believe my greatest asset is my mind. That is why I keep learning. Especially when I make a blunder, I make it a point to learn more about what went wrong. This motivates me greatly because when I learn something new I want to test it and see the result. The process of testing and discovery is another learning curve on its own.

Education is wealth. It is an asset. Don’t forget to keep learning. I am not talking about just sitting in classrooms only or formal education. Any form of learning is education. Keep your focus on learning things that will move you closer to your goals.

3- Keeping an open mind

I trained my mind and myself to be open-minded and ready to learn, even from sources that I don’t generally agree with. All our traits have negative and positive parts. Being open-minded help me not to write people off. I take each experience as learning while protecting myself. This is a great motivator for me because I get to learn a lot about why some people failed and why some people achieve their goals. I keep these stories to help rev me up on days when my energy is down.

It is important to be flexible, to understand value when you see it no matter where it is coming from.

4- I am doing this for me

I am not out to impress anybody. This journey is between me of yesterday and me of the future while enjoying me of today. I think this helps me a lot in staying focused on where I am headed. I am not using anybody’s success as my yardstick. This may not be exactly motivating, but it won’t kill morale. I know many people who fell off because they believe they are not measuring up. The task that an average person will complete in a day can take me a week to complete because of my limitations. I learned to accept this and not to compare my efforts to others.

I try not to look at what the Jones are doing next door. They may be flying jets for all I care, good luck to them. My life goals and how to achieve them are my driving force.

5- I have no desire to oppress anyone

As I said above It is of no importance to me whether you are rich or you just like to look rich. I don’t care, either way, my goals are my priorities. The same goes for me oppressing anybody, is just not my style.

My motivation is all geared toward my goals. I have no interest in showing off both online and offline. I think this is important to anyone who is struggling to reach their goals. Taking a step back to reevaluate and redirect yourself is easier if you are not out to prove a point to someone.

I buy luxury things after making money to buy them. Social media has shown us that many people are out and about showing off riches they don’t possess to oppress gullible people. I just let this wash over me, if you have something I like, I will admire it and move on. Makes no difference whether the person owned it or the person is pretending to own it.

I sincerely urge you not to get yourself into difficulties just so you can appear to be on the same level as your neighbours or friends. Imitating the lifestyles of others is an insult to yourself. Do or buy what you can afford and be at peace.

6- Telling myself the incentive I get for a job done

I actually reward myself for a job done well. Do you do this too? When I am struggling a bit I always remind myself of the great outcome expected from the completion of the task and the juicy rewards I promised myself. As most of my tasks are interwoven into achieving my goals, it is easy to see the expected end result. This is a great motivator.

Be aware of why you are doing anything, don’t lose sight of this. If you find yourself losing interest or dragging your feet, just remind yourself of the potential gain and the reward you are going to give yourself.

7- My family and I come first

My family motivates me a lot. My husband and children made a lot of sacrifices for me. I appreciate them immensely. Anybody who is living with an invisible illness will know what I am talking about. Your immediate family will pay some of the price associated with this. If I am feeling down I sometimes reminded myself of them and their belief in me, this gets me up. They come first in everything.

Those who know me, know that I am generous. But, I am not one to neglect my family and my needs to satisfy others. I look out for myself and have even learned to do so more in recent years when those I went through much pain to help weren’t there when I needed them. I have limited resources, so I try to budget them accordingly without feeling guilty.

8- Help Others

What better way to stay motivated than to help others?

It is important to put into the universe what you want in return. It is amazing how many people clearly miss this simple trick. I truly believe that most of the people we believe are lucky are just people reaping what they put out there.

I strongly believe that if you want kindness, you should go about spreading kindness wherever you go. If you want support from others, take time out to offer support to people. If you want money, don’t forget to donate to worthy causes. This is what I do. I provide what I need to others.

Stay with me,


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Stay with me,


Stay with me,


About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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