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Many of my religious readers may find this hard to accept. I urge you to read on with open mind and also know that this is strictly my opinion based on my experience.

As someone living with the invisible illness called Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain, which does not have any known cure, yet, I speak for most warriors when I say ‘ The day you truly start to heal is the day you accept your condition is not curable and you may never get better.’ Yes!

I have written several articles on my suffering with this condition, and the dark times I went through not knowing what exactly is wrong with me. Also, my numerous quests in search of cure and solution.

My search for cure and solution with the fact that nobody can exactly tell me what is wrong with me is what led to depression, not the pain itself. The more I search, the more depressed and anxious I became. Especially, since all my efforts weren’t leading anywhere.

Dear God, I have drunk and ate some horrible concoctions in my life, I have gone to some places I would never have been to if not for this. I have done some things against my better judgements in my desperate hope for a solution.

The day I put a stop to all that was the beginning of peace. My acceptance of fibromyalgia as going to be a part of my life forever is a cure on its own. I am not bitter; I just accept it as my own cross to bear. And I want to bear it with as much dignity as I possibly can.

With this acceptance comes control. I can now focus my energy on how to plan and manage my life so I can live as normal as possible. Everything on my term. Fibromyalgia doesn’t get to control me anyway it likes; I have a say in the matter, well, to a certain degree.

Many may argue that I am not being optimistic or I have given up. I don’t think so. My acceptance of fibromyalgia as incurable is not resignation. Far from it. My acceptance of it as incurable is giving myself a chance to move on, not to wallow.

My life totally changed from what I dreamt it would be. But I have no regret because I changed my focus and made plans to accommodate my reality of living with fibromyalgia and start working towards things I can do with that in mind. If I had hung on to looking for a cure or solution for fibromyalgia, I won’t be able to do that.

There are people who are living with curable illnesses that just refused to cure, no matter what they do. They have to find ways to get on with life. That is exactly what I am doing too. Getting on with my life.

If a cure were to be found tomorrow will I not go to get it? Of course, I will be first in line. All I am saying is I am not hanging around running from pillars to posts in search of a cure. I have done that for years and it is really killing more than the illness itself.

I get a lot of people approaching me that they have products that can cure me, because of my posts on social media about my experiences with fibromyalgia and chronic pain. I try not to be rude, but sometimes it is hard not to be.

You see, people like these prey on vulnerable people. They have no idea of the danger of what they are doing. Raising someone’s hope and dashing it is unforgivable to me. When you are in excruciating pain you want to grasp at anything to make it stop. Going to someone in that situation with some untested vitamins or medications is a SIN!

Some of these products these people are carrying about even caused more trouble for the users in some cases. I cannot overemphasise the importance of staying with known and tested medications. Yes, they have their side effects and some hardly deliver any results. But you know what you are getting.

And those who always want to pray for me or urge me to be more prayerful, thank you so much. I appreciate you. I am a prayerful person. I have a relationship with my God. I truly believe that my survival and my resolve to accept fibromyalgia for what it is, come from God.

Every time in my life that I have had to climb from dark places back into the light was because God stayed with me. I have never doubted the power of God, even in my most trying time.

I know it goes beyond the comprehension of some religious people why I am not going about looking for miracles or looking for some Alfas or Imams to do special prayer for me. I am very comfortable with me communicating with my God by myself. I have total belief that I will be guided by God in my actions.

I urge you, all warriors out there, free yourself and accept your condition for what it is. You can have a decent life if you concentrate your energy on living rather running helter-skelter in search of solution and cure.

Even if you are not living with any chronic illness but you have a situation in your life that you are powerless to change, I urge you to find a way to work your life around it and do the best you can with the circumstances. At the end of the day, we can only do our best.

Thanks a lot for reading. Please, your contributions to this post will be appreciated in the comment section below. Help by clicking like and share with your friends. Also, don’t forget to join other subscribers to receive notifications of new posts by email. I appreciate it.

Stay with me,


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About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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