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It pains me to write this, but this needs to be said.


Many people sit back whingeing and whining about how nobody supports them. Nobody is there for them. Nobody wants to help them. They conveniently forget to ask themselves ‘How many people have I been there for?’

No one person has a monopoly on troubles. We all have them. So, it might be a good idea to look up sometimes and give support to others in your own little way too.

Many of the people offering you a helping hand and supporting you are having trouble too. Did you ever ask about their lives? You just assumed that their life is perfect.

Nature feeds back what you give! It is not a curse. It is the way it is. Help others and you will receive help.


Hang on a minute, this is not a baseless rant.  I have seen so many people doing this on numerous occasions.  So yes, I am very angry and bitter that, sometimes, those who should know better are the most guilty of this crime.

Here is a classic example:


A couple of years back someone I know was going through a rough time. I only got to know of this by accident. I took an interest. Despite the fact that I was going through my own rough patch at the time.

I made contact, Offered my help in every way possible to me. This situation went on for weeks. I did all I could to support and help. At least I think I did, maybe it wasn’t enough from this person’s point of view. Who knows?

As things started settling down for this person, I had a really bad turn health-wise, I couldn’t call as usual for days. I was in a really dark place. In my hour of need, Where was this person? Your guess is as good as mine.

I tried to be understanding, making excuses for her: maybe she didn’t know I was sick, maybe she was very busy, maybe there are circumstances that made it impossible for her to call.  Soon I ran out of excuses.

The truth, as I see it, is this: If someone is always calling to see how you are doing, listening to your worries, and doing all he/she can to help. If you suddenly stop hearing from that person, won’t you at least CALL TO SEE IF THAT PERSON IS OKAY?

I mean you don’t need to be told that this person is sick or not, just check. When I say check I am not talking about text messages, WhatsApp, or private messages on social media. Visit the person, if that is not possible, CALL!!!!!

Imagine texting someone who is sick asking if they are okay. Just take a minute to imagine it. What response do you think will come from them?

I have chronic pain, you think on a really bad day I want to start typing and texting my worries to you? Absolutely not! Your text will either go unanswered or I just text back that I’m Fine.

I saw the person in my example above recently posting on social media that people don’t help. It took a lot of self-control not to answer back.

I know we should help without expecting something in return. But returning the help you were given should just go without saying.

It is not an easy task to keep investing valuable time in people who can’t be bothered to do the same for you.


I have people who always check to see how I am doing. I do the same for them, I check and catch up, no matter how busy I am. I make myself available because I know that every time they check on me it is not because they don’t have anything to do but because they care.

Don’t neglect the people who stayed with you in your hour of need. I don’t care what you are going through. Just remember how it feels to have nobody to turn to. That shouldn’t happen to people who are there for others.


Saying thanks is not the only way to show gratitude, let your actions say it too.

I am not very good at asking for help so that always makes me cut people some slacks. But if you really want to be supportive, you don’t need an invitation, especially for people who have been there for you.

The concept of loyalty is not that hard. Think about it, it is simple. Just treat others as you want to be treated.

Don’t just take, take, take, give too. Support is a 2-way thing!

Thanks a lot for reading. Please, your contributions to this post will be appreciated in the comment section below. Help by clicking like, and share with your friends. Also, don’t forget to join other subscribers to receive notifications of new posts by email. I appreciate it.

Stay with me,


Stay with me


About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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