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Please, can I just say this prayer for you?

If you don’t have Fibromyalgia or suffer from Chronic Pain or any Invisible Illnesses for that matter, I pray you never get to find out how draining these conditions are on those who suffer from them.


It is not just about the never-ending pain. In fact, I think the pain is not a major issue for many Warriors. Years of living with it have made it part of who we are.

It is the physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that comes with the constant pain that makes life almost unbearable for the Warriors.

Let me not even go into issues of Pain Medications that don’t work on the pain, but help me gain weight all the same.

Or you want to know the battle I go into constantly just to get a few hours of decent sleep? You really don’t want to know. But, I will mention my incredible mood swings, and memory loss called fibro-fog. And my up and down energy level needs mentioning.

I will leave the story of Depression, Anxiety, and other Mental Health issues brought about by Fibromyalgia for another day. I don’t want to make you feel guilty about your pain-free life.

But I hope by now you understand why I don’t attend Social functions a lot, or why I don’t stay too long? It is exhausting.

Why I dont give a fuck_.png

Constantly dealing with intense pain is tiring, exhausting, crushing, and draining.

You have no idea what people like me go through on a daily basis with constant pain that we don’t get a break from.

Yes, the intensity of the pains may vary from time to time, but the pain is always there, nibbling at us.

The fact that I keep going does not mean the pain is gone or I am better. I just pull myself together, whip out my smile and start dealing with living my life as best as I can, despite being constantly tired from pain.

What other choices are open to me?

It is true that -True strength comes from deciding not to surrender when faced with adversity.

I have learned over the years to put up with my chronic pain and many other problems associated with it. That doesn’t mean that I don’t have days that I just can’t cope or am too tired to care.

I even have conversations with the pain like I am talking to a real person. We live together, so we must talk.

Many Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Warriors may not say it but many cries almost daily from this never-ending pain and its many friends.

Some do it in private, some do it openly.

Whatever way each of these Warriors chooses to deal with their pain please respect them. It takes courage to be them.

When I made a decision to speak openly about my struggles with Fibromyalgia, my intention was to document my journey and give realistic experiences of what day-to-day living with pain is like.

I had this great idea that I am going to show Warriors, like me, that there are people like them out there. That on those really bad days they are not alone.

But, when it came to it, I find it really difficult to share my daily experiences. I have no problem drawing from past experiences and general talk about Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain.

But, I can’t write about some parts of my struggle, especially as it’s occurring. I just couldn’t. I wish I can, but I guess I am more private than I realize.

This has hugely increased my respect for Warriors who share details of their struggles openly and honestly. I know how hard it is.

Isn’t it inspiring that these beautiful people despite living with constant pain come out to motivate others?

A healer is someone who seeks to be the light that she wishes she had in her darkest moments- Vironika Tugalevawords

To those who would rather have them quietly disappear and suffer in a corner where they won’t disturb your vision, I say- Get a life.

Do all of us a favour, if you have no encouraging words for these amazing souls do keep quiet. It is not that difficult, many people do it.

JUST IGNORE. Many so-called friends do it. I am yet to hear a story of any of them being arrested for ignoring.


Don’t be like those people who stand in corners shaking their heads in disapproval without knowing the story of the person they are judging.

The same people whose phones don’t call to see if the person is good.

The righteous people out there who hide under some beliefs to belittle others and their efforts should take note. We all have to do whatever we feel is necessary to survive what life gave us.

If someone is not hurting you, hurting another human being, and you have nothing good to say then please, keep your opinion to yourself for God’s sake.

I am begging you, we are a set of people who have enough to deal with without adding people’s stupidity to the mix. Choose your words and actions wisely.

Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain are more than just pain. These conditions come with some serious baggage.

I just want to set the record straight.


Be kind to anyone you know going through this. Fibromyalgia is serious. Chronic Pain sucks, you won’t wish any of them on your enemies let alone your friends. Be the light in someone’s life today, you might be the only one giving them hope.

Please, don’t forget to show me some love by clicking like and in the comment section below.

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Stay with me,


Stay with me,


About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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20 thoughts on “Fibromyalgia is more than just Constant Pain

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