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As someone who is looking for ways to make my life as uncomplicated as possible, any ways I can achieve happiness and guard my mental health is always of interest to me.

I have written before about some tips I have found out in my quest for happiness. Check my post Collect Moments Not Things and The Joke Is On Who?

Here is another one. ROAD TO HAPPINESS- Keeping Track Of Your Progress.

As a Natural Skincare Entrepreneur living with Chronic Pain due to Fibromyalgia I was sad that my goals, both personal and professional, were not being met.

I was really angry with myself and bitter. I had many excuses ( both genuine and imaginary) of why this is happening. But my mental health suffered a lot. My self- confidence took a bash. I was unhappy.

I have days when I just lose all hope, no motivation at all. Days when I feel like a failure. A depressing feeling will enveloped me in these periods and I have absolutely no control over it.

I am forever reading and studying to better myself. Through reading I found out that my inability to achieve my goals was probably because I did not break my goals into smaller tasks and monitor my progress. So, I made changes as suggested.

The improvement was unbelievable, especially to my mental health and happiness.

So, at the beginning of this year (2019), I wrote down my goals. I broke them down into small tasks. I have a journal where I note my progress.

The sense of accomplishment I feel every time I crossed a task of my list is amazing. I have always been a list maker. But for chores around my home, grocery lists, etc. But to break my goals into tasks is something I have never done until this year.

It never occurred to me that my inability to accomplish my goals was making me that much unhappy, I thought I was just angry.

My contentment level became high as I see my progress. The funny thing is that these tasks are what I have been doing year in year out, but I did not take notice of them. I was only looking at the final goal.

For example I wanted to get my 6 Handmade Natural Skincare Products to market last year but I was unable to do so due to so many factors. I failed to recognized that the recipes was developed, tested, and perfected. I was hung up on the fact that the products were not ready last year.

Each effort matters!

My self- confidence benefited a lot as I see my progress. A reminder that I am not doing too badly. I have seen improvements in my self-esteem and self-worth. And people’s negative opinions don’t affect me as much as before. I also criticize myself less. Because I know that despite my challenges I am not totally useless.

Another important thing about keeping track of ones progress is using it as a MOOD BOOSTING TOOL. A real blessing in dark moments.

What I do is sometimes to bring out my list of achievements and keep looking through it and try to remember the efforts that go into achieving each progress. It is an act of self-compassion.

I do this to fight negative and toxic thoughts. Anybody who has experienced real depression will tell you how hard it is to control your thoughts. You have no interest in doing anything. Pre-planned motivation is needed.

This list with the achieved goals crossed out are a reminder that I am adequate. That I may not be able to work as fast as others but I do achieve things too. This is important in dark times.

Sometimes a troubled mind will look around and assume others are having more fulfilling life than they are. Progress tracking keeps things in perspective.

It is not sad phishing or playing victim. It is the reality of life for many of us. Those who know me will tell you that I am far from being a negative person. The thing about positivity is that it needs constant work to keep it real.

Depression is bad enough without being hard on oneself for feeling the way you feel. I have no control over it. Only someone without a clue will think that someone with depression can choose to be happy if they wish.

Unhelpful thoughts are parts of our daily existence. We need something at hand to use as substitute. You can’t just stop thinking negative thoughts, you have to occupy your mind with something to your liking as substitute.

You have to find what works best for you and keep track of how you are progressing.

You can list all the good things that happened to you this year and keep adding to the list as more happened.

Or you can list all the good deeds you have done this year and add more. Just keep track of things that makes you feel fulfilled.

Use it in your dark times to help elevate your mood. This is a great way to positive mindset and happiness.

I read somewhere that keeping track of negative experiences is also good. I don’t know how true this is. But if it helps you to a happy life then by all means give it a try.

I am not a believer in waiting for one particular thing to happen before I can be happy. Life is very funny. Sometimes we never get what we want. I think about how to be happy with or without these things. This is not a fool proof strategy, but I find it healthier.

I now believe I can do certain things that I have written off as not possible. I know it might take a longer time to do them than the time other people will use, that is all.

Tracking my progress helped me with my self-awareness. I got to understand that part of what makes me unhappy was my inability to do somethings I wanted to do. By keeping track I see progress and it made me happy.

I think getting to know what makes you unhappy might be the road to happiness. Then you can take control and take steps to dealing with the situation. You will be able to understand and take responsibility towards building your own happiness.

Stay with me,


About Post Author


My name is Ruka. Born and bred in Nigeria. Now living in Ireland. I am a Woman, Feminist, Wife, Mother, Muslim, Black, and African. I am an Entrepreneur who also works in Finance Administration. I am a Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Warrior. I love writing and hope to make a name for myself doing it.
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10 thoughts on “Why You Need To Keep Track Of Your Progress

  1. Great text and I hope you keep thriving! I found your way of breaking goals down to little tasks very helpful. As I recently started a blog called searchingforconfidence.wordoress.com I would love to invite you to have a quick read! All the best

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